------------------------------- 第29回ディスプレイ国際ワークショップ The 29th International Display Workshops (IDW '22) 主催: 映像情報メディア学会(ITE)、The Society for Information Display(SID) 協賛(予定): 電子情報通信学会、照明学会、電気学会、画像電子学会、日本バーチャルリアリティ学会、日本化学会、電気化学会、応用物理学会、日本人間工学会、日本液晶学会、日本画像学会、高分子学会、International Electrotechnical Commission、日本光学会、自動車技術会、日本視覚学会、計測自動制御学会、情報処理学会、人工知能学会、ヒューマンインタフェース学会 会期: 2022年12月14日(水)~ 16日(金) 会場: 福岡国際会議場(福岡市)とオンデマンドとメタバースを併用したハイブリッド形式 会議の構成: 本会議は、ディスプレイ技術分野の国際ワークショップとして3日間の会期で開催致します。初日の基調講演は、Zhenan Baoスタンフォード大学教授よりスキンディスプレイについて、Kopin 副社長、遠峰秀樹様よりDaaS – ディスプレイ アズ・ア・サービス(製品機能のサービス化)技術についてそれぞれ御講演いただきます。このほかに、本年度は、五感ディスプレイとクロスモーダルと題した特別講演会を行います。更に、新しい技術のためのトピカルセッションとして、DX Sensing and Radiation ImagingとMetaverse Systemを新たに設けます。本会議では、複数の技術分野に関係する下記の5つのスペシャルトピックス(1) Artificial Intelligence and Smart Society、(2) AR/VR and Hyper Reality、(3) Automotive Displays、(4) Micro/Mini LEDs、(5) Quantum Dot Technologiesに関する発表を特に歓迎し、集中的な発表の場を設けます。 本年度は、発表者によるInnovative Demonstration Session (I-DEMO)を現地開催に伴い復活し、発表内容の展示の場を提供いたします。 詳しくはhttps://www.idw.or.jp/ をご覧ください。 会議用語: 英語 参加申込み: https://www.idw.or.jp/ 各種期日: Technical Summary投稿締切日: 6月27日 論文採否通知: 8月 1日 Camera-Ready予稿締切日: 10月5日 Late-News予稿締切日: 9月27日 Late-News 論文採択通知: 10月20日 早期割引参加登録締切日: 11月7日 参加登録締切日: 2023年 1月24日(On-Demand配信公開期限) ※期日は、変更になる可能性があります。予めご了承ください。 問い合わせ: IDW '22 事務局(バイリンガル・グループ内) 〒162-0055 東京都新宿区余丁町11-1 2階 TEL: 03-5315-0453 FAX: 03-5315-0452 E-mail:idw@idw.or.jp
IDW'22 CFP(締切:6月27日)
CollabTech 2022 CFP(締切延長:6月26日)
本研究会が協賛している国際会議CollabTech 2022のご案内です。
CollabTech 2022 CFP
CollabTech 2022 is hosted by Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile and co-organized with Universidad de Chile (Department of Computer Science, and Department of Management and Information Systems) .
Please Note: The intention of the organizing committee is to hold CollabTech 2022 as a hybrid conference with the possibility to alternatively attend it physically or virtually. If the pandemic is not attenuated, CollabTech will take place in a fully blown virtual conference format.
CollabTech is a major forum for both academics and practitioners to exchange their experiences related to the development and use of collaboration technology and social computing. It has a strong focus on technology design and development. Most published papers propose innovative technical + human + organizational approaches to expand collaboration support, often backed up by theory brought from various disciplines including computer science, management science, design science, cognitive science, and social science. However, the conference also seeks papers with theory, models, design principles, methodologies, and case studies that contribute to a better understanding of the complex interrelations between collaboration and technology. Considering the heterogeneity of research in collaboration and technology, researchers may address the validation of their work through multiple approaches including laboratory experiments, fieldwork, analytic evaluations, case studies, prototyping, and empirical tests.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Collaboration technology
- Multi-user interfaces
- Collaboration frameworks, toolkits and design patterns
- Mobile/Web collaboration devices and systems
- Work-on-demand platforms
- Physically-embodied collaboration devices and systems
- VR/AR for collaboration
- Multi-agent/AI systems supporting collaboration
- Collaboration through social media
- Online communities
- Crowdsourcing
- Behavioral incentives
- Social media analytics
- Digital inclusion using social media
- Organization design and engineering
- Work analysis, work modeling and process management
- Group decision-making and negotiation
- Group-oriented knowledge management
- Virtual, ad-hoc, mobile organizations
- Measuring team performance
- Collaboration in specific application domains
- Computer supported collaborative learning(CSCL)
- Computer supported cooperative design (CSCD)
- Computer supported inter-cultural collaboration
- Collaboration in healthcare
- Open science
Important Dates
- Paper Submission:
June 12th, 2022June 26th, 2022 - Notification of Acceptance: July 11th, 2022
- Poster Abstract Submission: September 11th, 2022
- Poster Notification: September 20th, 2022
- Camera Ready Papers: July 18th, 2022
- Conference: November 8th – November 11th, 2022
Submission Guidelines
Accepted papers will be published by Springer as part of their Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Electronic paper submissions are accepted in the following categories: full papers, work in progress papers, and poster abstracts.
Full papers have a length of up to 16 pages while work in progress papers have a maximum length of 8 pages. Both formats follow the Springer LNCS template. Both full and work in progress papers appear in the proceedings. Poster abstracts have a maximum length of 4 pages.
We use a double-blind reviewing process. Please, do not include the author’s name and affiliation or any other type of information that may disclose the authors in the submitted paper itself. As a result of the reviewing process, the Program Committee may suggest changes in the format and/or the contents of the paper, including the category of the paper. In this case, a paper will be conditionally accepted. The Program Committee Chairs will decide on the final acceptance or rejection based on a second analysis of the revised paper.
The papers should be submitted using the EasyChair (https://www.easychair.org/) system until the submission deadline.